Last time I discussed Ayurveda in general. Now I want to talk about Ayurveda and how it specifically deals with oral care.
Kapha dosha, a spiritual energy, can be found within the oral cavity. Therefore, it is imperative to take care of your mouth so as not to disturb the balance of kapha dosha. If you gain problems with keeping the balance of kapha dosha within your mouth, dental problems are sure to ensue.
The Major Reasons behind Teeth Problems
Excessive food particles within the mouth
The growth of bacterial infection such as tartar, halitosis and many more
Unwanted food particles in between the teeth
Poor oral hygiene
Damage in the Jaw-bone structure
Intake of acidic substances such as soft drinks, concentrated juices and many more. (These can cause some major dental problems if not taken in moderation.)
General Tips for Dental Care
Using herbal plants like cinnamon, til and clove oil will help prevent tooth decay and toothache. For teeth quality improvement, it is best to chew mint or parsley leaves. Garlic cloves will relieve pain and strengthen teeth even further to create a stronger foundation for the gums.
Bark paste and vinegar can be used to strengthen your teeth together with garlic cloves. Herbal plants and spices can also be used to prevent discoloration from damaging your teeth. Lime mixed with various other spices and herbs like banyan can help whiten the teeth and protected from tooth decay and bacteria.
Ayurvedic Medicines for Dental Diseases
The doshas contain energy that when disturbed cause a major imbalance in the body functions. Dental diseases involve an imbalance in the kapha dosha located in the mouth. Here are some of the dental diseases that you may contract if there is an imbalance in the kapha dosha.
Bad breath
Tooth decay
Bleeding gums
Yellow teeth
Fortunately, the Ayurvedic system has a long list of herbal remedies for the said conditions. Here are some of those herbal remedies that you can use to treat your dental problems as they occur.
Turmeric is not only to be used in spicing up your dishes as well as coloring food, it can also help solve dental problems. You just have to mix a quarter of a teaspoon of the table salt with oil from mustard. After this, you can apply the solution to the infected tooth. It can help treat gum problems as well as tooth decay and toothaches. It is truly a remarkable remedy for simple dental problems. The turmeric can be used as a powder to help heal toothaches and pains.
The Neem Tree can be used as a whitening agent for teeth. The toys from this tree can be used as toothbrushes, the oils can be used as facial washes and the sap has antiseptic properties that can help kill microorganisms that may cause bacterial infection on the teeth.
Base of glow, especially garlic cloves, can help deal with dental problems because of its anti bacterial properties that get rid of all microbes that may infect the mouth and cause diseases. The oil from the clove when applied to an infected tooth can also ease the pain of the toothache. In order to make it a paste, you just have to mix it with zinc oxide.
Vitamin C is also helpful in combating dental diseases because it strengthens the teeth in such a way that it can protect itself from bacterial attacks. It can also add strength to teeth to handle the pressure of chewing crunchy food that usually wear teeth down.
These are just some of the herbal remedies that Ayurvedic medicine can offer any patient.
Dental Diseases where Ayurveda is helpful
The Ayurvedic concept views diseases as energetic imbalance that therefore causes severe pain to the patient. Here are some of the many dental diseases linked to kapha dosha.
· Halitosis
· Teeth discoloration
· Tooth decay
· Loose teeth
· Gum bleeding
· Aching teeth
If we want to solve these problems, we must know how to deal with these kinds of dental situations.
It is important to keep your oral hygiene up to standard. A mixture of lemon and water can help with this condition as well. Fresh guava can also help. Eating fresh fruits will definitely make a difference when it comes to protecting your oral hygiene.
Discolored teeth
The mixture of salt and a piece of lime can help soothe discolored teeth. You just apply the mixture onto your teeth and let it sit for a few minutes. A mixture of herbs like neem, alum and many others in powdered form can also help ease and care for discoloration. Another procedure you can do is to rub an orange peel onto your teeth every night.
Tooth Decay
Have a calcium rich diet and always make sure to have and intake of dairy products every day. It will also help to mix germ eric with mustard oil and salt to make a paste. You then rub in onto your teeth. In addition to this, you must avoid sugar intake because it affects the health of the teeth.
Gums with Blood
You must clean your teeth with twigs of neem, banyan, holy basil and babul to stop the bleeding. You can also massage your gums with a mixture of alum and mustard oil. Rinse with water and alum. Masticating on guava tree leaves helps to stop profuse bleeding. Intake of green leafy vegetables and fruits can also help with bleeding gums.
How to Deal With Toothache
You can use til, cinnamon and garlic cloves to deal with toothache. The garlic clove added with pepper powder and clove oil can ease the pain of toothache. A paste composed of bayberry bark as well as vinegar can help with the pain of toothache when applied. You must also avoid drinking soft drinks, eating carbohydrate rich foods and sugar intake as it aggravates tooth decay.
These are just some of the major diseases that can affect you if you have an imbalance in the spiritual energies according to Ayurvedic medicine. It will greatly help you if you learn more about this kind of medicinal practice so that you will know how to deal with dental problems using home based remedies that you can easily make on your own.
This article is great because it goes into more detail about how Ayurvedic practices affect dental practices. There are many ancient and spiritual ways of doing things in India, so it may be hard to bring in new ways. In turn, these practices have a huge effect on the type of oral care that is observed among the people. It is cool to know how many herbal remedies and pastes that they make in order to help with oral pain, whereas we may go to a dentist to resolve it. It will be interesting to see the extent to which the people practice Ayurvedic dental care.
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