The excess of dentists in Kerala state of India, has led to the fact that Dental Association of India (Indian Dental Association, IDA) decided to launch the campaign “No more dental colleges» (‘No more dental colleges’).
The state currently has 20 private colleges of dentistry, with 1180 seats, and three state colleges. Every year they release 1300 specialists. Thus most of the college regularly apply for an increase in the number of seats for students. Dr. Shibu Rajagopal (Shibu Rajagopal), Secretary of the IDA offices in Kerala, said that despite the ban President Dental Council of India (Indian Dental Council), the state government has issued a state certificate of seven private dental colleges, thesis statement examples.
In Kerala alone, with a population of 33 million people has more than 10,000 dentists. At present, the ratio of dentists to patients in India is 1:3,500 – is much higher than the recommended WHO ratio 1:7500. However, if a petition to increase college enrollments are met, the annual number of graduates will increase to 2,500, reducing the ratio to 1:1000.
According to Dr. Paul George (George Paul), former president of the Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons of India, many young dentists invited to work in the insurance sector and the business of medicine at Bangalore and Hyderabad. Some graduates go to Canada, Australia and other countries, or go into other specialties. The dentist, who works at the present time, a graphic designer, said that 11 years ago, dentistry was a prestigious job with high salary, but in excess they become more profitable professionals to work in agriculture or textiles.
It is interesting to note that in a part of the world with such large amounts of poverty, there are an exceeding amount of dentists. I thought it was also interesting that dentistry was once considered a prestigious job, but it is now less profitable than some other jobs that we would consider blue collar. I am sure that it is different from state to state, or even city to city in India, but it will be interesting to see what Coimbatore is like.
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